New specialist community perinatal mental health maps now available

Posted By: Amy Tubb

19th August 2020

  • Services
  • MMHA news
  • Specialist teams
  • Maps
  • Everyone's Business

2 minute read

The MMHA’s Everyone’s Business Campaign has released new maps showing the provision of specialist perinatal mental health (PMH) community services in Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales (as of winter 2019/20). Despite welcoming major progress in commitments and funding promised by devolved nation governments, the maps continue to show the extent of the postcode lottery faced by women and families.

For this release, the maps have a few notable differences:

  1. Nation-specific information pages to capture the nuances around funding, progress made to date and remaining risks.

  2. England’s overall progress is captured in its nation-specific page but there is no updated Clinical Commissioning Group-level map*

    *The verification of data for England was not complete before the COVID-19 outbreak. Given the extraordinary circumstances, it has not felt appropriate to put any pressure on healthcare teams at this time. Without a complete set of data, it has not been possible to update the England map with specific Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) data this time, however, the included estimate is based on data confirmed before the pandemic and gives an indication of the clear progress being made.

  3. A Q&A page to answer common questions. 

What percentage of the new Devolved Nations maps are Green?

  • Northern Ireland: 0% of Health and Social Care Trusts met green criteria
    • Scotland: 14% of Health Boards met green criteria
    • Wales: 29% of Health Boards met green criteria 

    In Englandan estimated* 80% of CCGs met green criteria. 

    Turning and Keeping the Map Green in each nation

    These maps show varying degrees of progress across the UK, however, in all nations (including England) there are some common risks to the map turning and keeping green.

    The Everyone’s Business campaign asks:

    1.  Is the level of funding promised enough and how will it be sustained over the long term?

    2.  How will there be an adequate number of specialist health professionals and a well-trained perinatal mental health workforce? It is clear all nations need to work hard to ensure sufficient, specially trained teams are in place.

    3.  How do we know if the funding allocated to local areas for perinatal mental health is being spent accordingly, and hold decision-makers to account if necessary, when spending reports are not always publicly available?

    4.  What will the true impact of COVID-19 be, both its effect on the mental health needs of pregnant and postnatal women and the potential delays to service development in areas of outstanding need? How do decision-makers PLAN to address this? 

    Download the maps for a breakdown of nation-specific risks and concerns.

    MMHA’s reflections on the devolved nations

    The devolved governments of Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales are working hard, with support from dedicated campaigners, to improve provision and Turn the Map Green with the commitments made and funding promised.

    However, these maps are a deeply sad reminder that right now women and families in these areas continue to be without the lifesaving support they need and deserve. All the more poignant given the additional stresses women and families are experiencing as a result of COVID-19.

    These maps – more than ever – must act as a catalyst to quicken resolve to bring an end to this longstanding, heart-breaking and totally unnecessary postcode lottery.

    Keeping our eyes on England

    We are delighted to see the hard-won progress in England reflected in these new maps, where the data we were able to confirm indicates that it is greener than ever before. Our congratulations and deep thanks to all those who have worked tirelessly to achieve this,

    While we celebrate these services – and the achievements of diligent campaigners – we know that the job is far from done. Even once we have a confirmed green map in England, we will need to ensure it stays green. The specialist services will also need to be an integrated part of a wider pathway of perinatal mental health care to help ensure progress continues to be made for all new and expectant mothers, and their families.

    How you can help Turn the Map Green

    1. Share our maps with your networks

    2. Tweet about the maps using #EveryonesBusiness and #TurnTheMapGreen

    3. Talk about the maps with those who are in a position to help change them

    Let’s end the postcode lottery women and families face, together!

    Download the UK map

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