Centre for Mental Health

Centre for Mental Health take the lead in challenging policies, systems and society, so that everyone can have better mental health. They do this by building research evidence to create fairer mental health policy.

Poverty, injustice and discrimination put some people at a much higher risk of poor mental health – but less likely to receive the right support.

By developing mental health research, economic analysis and policy ideas, Centre for Mental Health is equipping services and decision makers to meet people’s needs and reduce mental health inequalities.

Their work is driving forward sustainable policy change, to pursue equality, social justice and good mental health for all.

Centre for Mental Health and the London School of Economics was commissioned by the MMHA to write the ‘Costs of perinatal mental health problems’ report.

It was the first report to analyse the costs of such problems on both mothers and children. Centre for Mental Health has carried out other work on maternal mental health, contributing to the knowledge and research base for the Alliance.