Laura Seebohm

Laura has 25 years’ experience in the statutory and voluntary sectors. Prior to joining the MMHA, she worked at Changing Lives, a national charity supporting people experiencing challenging times such as homelessness, addiction and trauma. Laura set up women’s services for Changing Lives, before becoming Executive Director for External Affairs, leading on public affairs, policy, communications and innovation across the organisation.  True to MMHA’s roots, she believes in engaging closely with experts by experience to amplify their voice and influence decision-makers at a local, regional and national level.

Before joining Changing Lives, Laura worked as a Probation Officer and her background brings specialist expertise in supporting women with experience of the criminal justice system, sexual exploitation, and domestic abuse. Laura has experience of policy at a national level, multiple peer research projects and system change practices.  She sits on several boards, including as Chair of the Millfield House Foundation, and is an active member of the Better Way Network.

Laura Seebohm